Value Added Services

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    Call Forwarding Services

    Through the call forwarding service, you can transfer your incoming calls to another regular line without affecting your line or your call feature

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    (CALLect) Service

    Through the CALLect Call service, A Party can call B party at the B parties' expense by dialing # before the B Party's mobile number. B

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    Bye Bye

    With the Bye-Bye service,Asiacellsubscribers can block:Calls and SMS from otherAsiacell

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    Voice Mail

    Use your voicemail box as an answering machine whenever you are unreachable. Callers can record their messages and you can listen to them at any

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    Call Me

    The "Call Me" service allows subscribers to send 10 free SMS to otherAsiacellsubscribers when they are out of balance.

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    SMS Bulk Stopped

    Asiacell offers its customers a service that allows them to stop receiving the commercial messages (SMS) as follows:-To stop receivin

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    SMSAsiacellsubscribers can send text messages (SMS) for the following tariffs:SMS to other

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    Missed Call

    MISSED CALL NOTIFICATION Asia cell's missed call notifi

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