Through the call forwarding service, you can transfer your incoming calls to another regular line without affecting your line or your call feature
Through the CALLect Call service, A Party can call B party at the B parties' expense by dialing # before the B Party's mobile number. B
With the Bye-Bye service,Asiacellsubscribers can block:Calls and SMS from otherAsiacell
Use your voicemail box as an answering machine whenever you are unreachable. Callers can record their messages and you can listen to them at any
The "Call Me" service allows subscribers to send 10 free SMS to otherAsiacellsubscribers when they are out of balance.
Asiacell offers its customers a service that allows them to stop receiving the commercial messages (SMS) as follows:-To stop receivin
SMSAsiacellsubscribers can send text messages (SMS) for the following tariffs:SMS to other
MISSED CALL NOTIFICATION Asia cell's missed call notifi