Use your voicemail box as an answering machine whenever you are unreachable. Callers can record their messages and you can listen to them at any time. You will be notified via SMS whenever a new voice message is left in your mailbox. To subscribe to this service and create your voicemail box, simply enter (244) to retrieve the incoming voice messages. This service is free of charge.
Prepaid Lines can store 15 messages for 14 days, while Postpaid Lines have a capacity of 20 messages and are stored for 21 days.
You can also directly send voice messages by dialing (255). This feature allows you to record a 30-second long voice message and send it to your friends. The charge for this service is IQD 50 / minute.
Note: The above information and prices are subject to change without prior notice.
With SVM, the subscriber can record and send voice messages directly to other Asiacell Numbers. It's fast, easy and convenient; being both faster and more personal than SMS.
The sender must dial "*242*077XXXXXXXX Send" and follow the prompt, After the tone, the sender should record the message within 30 seconds and press # to send it.
The receiver will receive the following SMS notification of the sender's voice mail:
You have voice messages, please call 242”, After calling (242), the receiver should follow the prompts in order to listen to his/her voice message(s).
Voice messages cost: 50 IQD / 30 seconds.
Note: The above information and prices are subject to change without prior notice.